My memoji


Some Projects I've Built



A set of tutorial apps for both Android and iOS with over 3,000,000+ lifetime downloads. Built with React Native, it builds four apps for each app store—Play Store and App Store—from a single codebase. The versioning and build process is automated using Python.

TypeScriptPythonReactReact NativeReact Native PaperReact Navigation



A fully responsive, accessible, and feature-rich social media web app. Built with the latest trendy technologies when I started working on it, such as Next.js, Prisma and Tailwind CSS. I built my own components using Tailwind on top of React Aria's accessibility hooks.

TypeScriptNext.js 14React 18PrismaNextAuth.js 5React QueryTailwind CSSFramer MotionReact AriaZodAWS S3AWS SES

Notes - OAuth 2.0


A simple Notes CRUD app where users can login using ther Github, Google and Facebook accounts. I've built this to apply the knowledge that I've learnt from this course. This project is a monorepo of a client React application and a RESTful API built with Express.js and PostgreSQL.

TypeScriptReactReact RouterShadcn UITailwindCSSExpress.jsPostgreSQLJSONWebTokenOAuth 2.0OpenID Connect



The first real-world project that I've built myself. This is a webview android app bundled using Cordova. The app can solve basic income statements and balance sheets, I've built this as a requirement for our Accountancy, Business and Management research subject, it also won the 'Best Research Paper' award in our school.

JavaScriptjQueryCSSHTMLApache CordovaOnsen UI